a woman wearing a stethoscope talks to people sitting around a table

Practice-Based Research Network - Southeast Regional Clinicians Network

The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality defines Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRN) as groups of primary care clinicians and practices working together to answer community-based health care questions and translate research findings into practice.  

The National Center for Primary Care Research Division is a member of the Southeast Regional Clinicians Network (SERCN), which was founded in 1995 and is an Agency for Health Care Research and Quality designated practice-based research network of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Primary Care Associations (PCA) in eight southeastern states (Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee). 

The Southeast Regional Clinicians Network exists to improve health and advance health equity in the Southeastern US via practice-based research in the primary care safety net and to serve as a resource for patients and providers in community health centers throughout the Southeastern United States. 


Disseminating Evidence to Promote Patient-Centered Diabetes Self-Management Strategies

Disseminating Evidence to Promote Patient-Centered Diabetes Self-Management Strategies Intensive Dissemination Lunch and Learn

 Project Goal

To disseminate evidence patient-centered diabetes self-management strategies to front line primary care clinicians (PCC), quality improvement staff, and patients with type 2 diabetes not on insulin, so that communities of patients and PCPs can engage in chronic disease management strategies that are effective, minimize harm, and reduce financial burdens for patients.


  • View SERCN Publications
    • Gaglioti AH, Walston D, Vasquez Guzman CE, Toppin Dera N, Ortiz C, Wright LC, Roberts T, Parker S, Young V. J Am Board Fam Med. 2019 Sep-Oct;32(5):695-704. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2019.05.190046. PubMed PMID: 31506365
    • Westfall JM, Roper R, Gaglioti A, Nease Jr DE. Practice-Based Research Networks: Strategic Opportunities to Advance Implementation Research for Health Equity. Ethnicity & Disease. 2019 Feb 21;29(Suppl 1):113-8. 

    • Practice-based Research Networks (PBRNs) Bridging the Gaps between Communities, Funders, and Policymakers, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, GagliotiAH, Werner J, Rust G, Fagnan L, Neale A. 2016; 29(5):630-5. PMID: 27613796  

    • Powe BD, Daniels EC, Metoyer T, McCray G, BaltrusP, Rust GS. Increasing knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors among African Americans by use of community health workers: the ABCD community intervention pilot project. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2012;104(3-4):179-185.  

    • Rust G, Gailor M, Daniels E, McMillan-Persaud B, Strothers H, Mayberry R. Point of care testing to improve glycemic control. International journal of health care quality assurance. 2008 May 2;21(3):325-35.

    • Rust G, Daniels E, Satcher D, Bacon J, Strothers H, Bornemann T. Ability of community health centers to obtain mental health services for uninsured patients.  2005;293(5):550-556. 

    • Rust G, BaltrusP, Ye J, Daniels E, Quarshie A, Boumbulian P, Strothers H. Presence of a community health center and uninsured emergency department visit rates in rural counties. The Journal of Rural Health. 2009 Jan;25(1):8-16. 

    • Rust GS, Murray V, OctavianiH, et al. Asthma care in community health centers: a study by the southeast regional clinicians' network. Journal of the National Medical Association. 1999;91(7):398.  

Southeast Regional Clinicians Network Events

SERCN Annual Stakeholders Meeting

2024 SERCN Meeting Slidedeck

2024 SERCN Meeting Agenda

  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Participant
  • Participant clapping
  • Participants
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium
  • Signage
  • Participants
  • Signage
  • Room
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • Speaker at podium with slideshow
  • SECN Member signage
  • Participant
  • Participants
  • Participants
  • Room view